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Craniosacral Therapy helps reduce physical & emotional tension and stress A therapist uses a gentle butterfly touch when treating Treating at a deep level helps profound healing take place Grounding with the earth helps us stay in the present Craniosacral Therapy treats the whole person

The Cranial Sacral Therapy Clinic

Craniosacral system

A persons energetic matrix (aura) forms in early embryonic life & is the blueprint in which the physical body grows & develops. In Craniosacral therapy we call it the Breath of Life & we connect with it during treatment.


Pregnancy & birth

The physical & emotional journey of pregnancy & birth can affect both mother & baby. Mothers often seek CST for problems associated with traumatic births. Treating a mother & baby at the same time is a special way of recovering from this journey together.



Babies and children

An extremely gentle and effective therapy suitable from birth & treating a variety of conditions & illnesses. Treatment is adapted to the age of the patient so babies can be fed or cuddled & young children can play with toys.





Suitable for all ages including the elderly & those with fragile or painful conditions. Craniosacral therapy works at a deep level to support the body to heal, balance and repair itself in a gentle and supportive manner.




Imagine a layer of cling film enveloping almost everything in your body from head to toe. Fascia restrictions from injury, illness or operations cause pain, tightness & muscle contraction. Fascia unwinding during a treatment helps the body release this stress and strain.




Stress & trauma

Prolonged stress or severe shock leads the body into fight or flight mode. It affects the whole body physically and emotionally. You can’t always see deeply held tension but a Craniosacral therapist can feel it during a treatment.



What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral therapy uses a very gentle butterfly touch to listen to the body’s natural rhythms. The rhythm (Craniosacral motion) is a deep pulse within the fluids that surround the central nervous system. Disturbances to this pulse may indicate a lack of health. The rhythm has a potency, a life force which we call the breath of life. During a treatment the therapist promotes that potency to enable the body to repair itself and return to health.

Illness, injury, stress, emotional disturbances or ingrained trauma can sometimes upset this natural rhythm & healing ability . Using nothing but a gentle butterfly touch, I will listen to your body much like a counsellor listens to your words.  However, you do not need to be ill or have any particular symptoms to benefit from Craniosacral therapy.

Cranio (cranium/head) and sacral (sacrum/tail bone) are the main areas of focus during a treatment.  The cranium and sacrum form the two parts of the Central Nervous System (CNS) . This system controls most functions of the body and mind.  It collects and interprets information from the whole body including our eyes, ears, nose, skin and internal organs. The CNS controls all our voluntary movements such as speech and walking and involuntary movements such as blinking and breathing. It is also the core centre for our thoughts and emotions.  When you realise how much is controlled by the CNS you can begin to understand just how beneficial craniosacral therapy can be.

What happens during a treatment

At the initial treatment I will take a thorough medical history. This helps me to understand the issues you are facing.  I will then explain what a treatment involves and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions.

Treatment mostly consists of you lying down on a couch but you can sit in a chair. You remain fully clothed. Patients often report feeling a profound sense of relaxation as the body and mind become more balanced and calm. I use a mixture of hands on treatment and talking. Sometimes I may treat without the need to touch.

Treatment  can occur on any part of the body and is dependent on where on the body I feel drawn to.   Through gentle contact, I engage with subtle movements and forces within the body.  A healthy body expresses a natural rhythmic motion (Craniosacral motion) .  Disturbances to our health are indicated by restrictions to this natural movement. Treatment involves releasing these restrictions and tensions to restore health and vitality.

During a treatment you may feel heat, tingling, pulsations or other sensations. It can take a few sessions to understand what you are feeling during a treatment. You may find that the reason for your initial visit, isn’t the thing that heals itself first. Your body sets the pace for healing and it will heal what it feels is most important rather than what you think should happen

Because we work at a deep level CST can help to resolve unexplained or on going ill health that isn’t being resolved by other means

I would recommend weekly treatments initially. Generally, several sessions are required when starting treatment to feel any benefits. After this time we can negotiate when treatments are required.

After a session and in the longer term

Occasionally there is a short period of readjustment as part of the healing process.  If this happens you may become more aware of your symptoms as your body adjusts to the release of tensions and restrictions.

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand,
applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

– Vince Lombardi

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